Several times in these posts I’ve discussed how it seems as though every time scientists study animal intelligence or behavior they are surprised to discover just how much our fellow creatures are really like us. My first story today is a case in point and concerns our closest relatives the Chimpanzees.

The Loango National Park in Gabon is the home to the Ozouga Chimpanzee Project where a community of about 45 Chimpanzees has been under behavioral study for many years. A scientific research team led by Biology Professor Dr. Simone Pika of Osnabrück University has made many discoveries concerning the social behavior, tool use and hunting strategies of chimpanzees.

The latest revelation concerns the first ever observations of chimpanzees applying possibly medicinal substances to external wounds. The substances in question are the bodies of insects plucked from the air and the chimpanzees were not only observed applying the insects to their own cuts and abrasions but on a few occasions one chimp was observed using the insects to tend to the cuts of another chimp.

Now for animals to eat various substances with known medicinal properties is a well known behavior in many species of not just mammals but birds and even reptiles. Chimpanzees themselves have been observed to chew bitter leaves that will kill internal parasites.

The application of anything to external wounds however is a totally new behavior and was first observed in 2019 by researcher Alessandra Mascaro as a mother chimp named Suzee inspected the injured foot of her son Sia. To Mascaro it appeared that Suzee had something between her lips that she then applied to Sia’s wound. Only later as she watched the video of the event did the researcher see Suzee grab something out of the air that she then placed between her lips before applying it to Sia’s wound.

Subsequent observations showed that what the chimps were grabbing from the air were insects, and indeed numerous primitive human cultures have been known to use insects on wounds for antiseptic or anti-inflammatory purposes. Just what insects the chimps grab, and if they actually have medicinal benefits is something the researchers have yet to ascertain. However the team at Loango has observed the behaviour more than 20 times now and feels confident that they will soon be able to answer those questions.

Chimpanzees continue to surprise the scientists who study them. What the Ozouga Chimpanzee Project’s team have uncovered could be evidence about the very beginnings of the field of medicine in ancient human societies. Further proof of just how much like us our relatives really are.

And even as the scientists at Loango learn more about animal behaviour the behaviour of the particular breed of human animal known as a conspiracy monger is causing a great deal of harm at an animal refuge here in the United States. The refuge in question is the National Butterfly Center, which lies along the Rio Grande River in southern Texas and which for over two decades has helped migrating butterflies along their path between the United States and Mexico.

The 100 acre preserve first came into national attention back when Donald Trump was president and trying to get his wall built along the border with Mexico. The non-profit North American Butterfly Association that runs the center objected to the wall on the grounds that a wall would do more to interfere with butterfly migration than attempts by illegal aliens to enter the US. Throughout the Trump administration both the center and its staff had to endure multiple and vicious attacks by right-wing agitators.

Even the end of the Trump administration hasn’t ended the refuge’s problem because there are several privately funded campaigns seeking to continue wall building on private lands, including that of the center. One of these groups is the “We Build the Wall” project headed by Steve Bannon and Brian Kolfage. Following the lead of these provocateurs right-wing conspiracy mongers have now begun to accuse the butterfly center on social media of actually being a focus for human trafficking, especially the trafficking of children for sexual exploitation.

The baseless accusations have continued to grow and threats have been launched at the center’s staff and supporters. The whole mess has gotten so bad that a conservative candidate for congress in Virginia named Kimberly Lowe showed up at the refuge in order to film a social media post about the ‘illegal activity’ going on there. If all of this sounds reminiscent of the ‘Pizzagate’ nonsense from a few years ago where Satan worshipping pedophiles were supposed to be trafficking children through a pizza restaurant in Washington D.C. that’s probably because all of the conspiracy mongers have as little imagination as they have common sense.

Still, the National Butterfly Center has been forced to close, at least temporarily in order to reassess their security status. Only in America today could a butterfly refuge be in need of security!!!