Book Review: Star Power (American Democracy in the Age of the Celebrity Candidate) by Lauren A. Wright

Fame and power have always gone hand and hand. As far back as Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar men vying for authority often sought celebrity status as a means toward that goal. Think about, doesn’t the very name ‘Alexander the Great’ sound like something a public relations consultant would think up.

Back in the days of Alexander the Great men achieved fame by winning battles. Today many achieve fame by pretending, i.e. acting as superheros or other strong men. (Credit: Greece Is)

In our modern era we have become familiar with entertainers, actors, musicians and athletes, turning their notoriety into political office. Here in America we have now elected two such men, Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump, to the highest office in our country, the Presidency of the United States, often referred to as the most powerful position in the world.

In the last 50 years America has elected two celebrities to be President. Hopefully we’ve learned our lesson and won’t do that again!!! (Credit: Wikipedia)

Why do we do it? Why do we choose inexperienced amateurs as our political leaders instead of seasoned politicians? And why do people who have had success in the entertainment world even think that they are qualified to hold public office?

Oprah Winfrey is another celebrity who has been mentioned as a possible choice for President. Fortunately it seems that she has sense enough to know that she’s not qualified. (Credit: Forbes)

Those are some of the questions that Dr. Lauren Wright, a lecturer in Politics and Public Affairs at Princeton University seeks to answer in her book ‘Star Power, (American Democracy in the Age of the Celebrity Candidate)’. In her book Dr. Wright surveys the latest studies and polls related to the whole issue of celebrities running for public office, examining the advantages that celebrities have over traditional politicians as well as the justifications that celebrities give for entering the political arena.

Doctor Lauren A. Wright, a lecturer at Princeton University and author of “Starpower”. (Credit: Center for the Study of Democratic Politics)

Dr. Wright separates her study into four subsections, each of which is a chapter in ‘Star Power’. The first chapter is a brief review of the interplay between celebrity status and political power through history starting with Alexander and Caesar but concentrating on celebrities in American history. Dr. Wright even takes a bit of time to describe the race for California governor by the author Upton Sinclair in 1934 pointing out numerous resemblances between that campaign and Donald Trump’s race for President.

Front Cover of “Star Power, American Democracy in the age of the Celebrity Candidate” by Lauren A. Wright. (Credit: Amazon)

In chapter two the question of why celebrities run for office is considered. Why does someone who has seen success in film or the concert hall or ball field think that their skill as an entertainer will translate into success as a member of government? Starting with the actual reasons that celebrities give for running Dr. Wright then goes into the psychology of famous people, their need for acclaim along with their conceit that they can do anything because the flatterers around them tell them they can.

Wht is it about humans psychologically that we have such a desire to be adored by thousands of people we’ll never meet and never get to know? (Credit: Billboard)

Chapter three considers the way that the public treats celebrities differently from normal folk, even normal folk like politicians. In fact Dr. Wright lists seven qualities that celebrities possess that the average politician would love to have. These qualities are Name Recognition, Favourability, Relatability, Outsider Status, Large and Passionate Following, Fundraising and Media Attention. I’ll just discuss one of these in passing because I have never understood why people think that an ‘outsider’ without any experience in government, is in any way preferable to a politician who actually knows how to do the job.

As children we all want the attention of those around us. Many people never seem to grow up. (Credit: Icon Agency)

Here in Pennsylvania we recently had a celebrity TV doctor, Memhet Oz who ran for the US Senate against the former mayor of the city of Braddock who is currently our state’s Lieutenant Governor, John Fetterman. As a part his campaign Oz has on many occasions criticized Fetterman as ‘A Career Politician’, in other words someone with training and experience, while he as an outsider is better suited for the post. Why do we even consider such an illogical argument when we would never think of hiring someone like a cab driver to fix our plumbing? (P.S. Fetterman won thankfully!)

John Fetterman (l) has been a popular Mayor of a small Pennsylvania town and hard working Lieutenant Governor. Mehmet Oz (r) has been a cardiologist and talk show host. The question is, why do some people think that political / governmental experience should actually count against a candidate? (Credit: Los Angeles Times)

Chapter four then considers the question of ‘Do voters actually prefer Celebrity Candidates over more Traditional Politicians’. Here’s where things get kinda scary because although in poll after poll people claim that they do not prefer celebrities in fact such absolute amateurs as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sonny Bono and Jesse Ventura, to say nothing of Donald Trump, have all been elected to high office. People it seems do not want a polltaker to think they would vote for a celebrity, but in fact they often do.

Despite absolutely no experience in either politics or government Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected governor of the most populace start in the US. Why did anybody think he’d do a good job? (Credit: YouTube)

Psychologists often use a technique known as a ‘Paired Choice Experiments’ in order to gage the true reactions of people when we’d rather not have our true reactions known. As an example when given a choice between the extremely well known celebrity Oprah Winfrey or the much less known US Senator Cory Booker the TV star wins easily, the seven advantages mentioned above that celebrities have now become more relevant.

One big Advantage Celebrities have over more traditional politicians is in fundraising. Their legions of fans can usually be counted on to big in the cash needed in today’s elections. (Credit: Wild Apricot)

Finally Dr. Wright considers the effect that celebrity candidates are having on the very fabric of our democracy. Several times she uses quotations from ‘The Federalist Papers’ to show how our founding fathers feared the rise of a popular demagogue and how that fear seems to be coming true today. Celebrity candidates are with us for good or ill, and we are just going to have to adjust to them.

One type of political figure that our founding fathers feared was the demagogue, a person with so much fame that they can seize too much power and by using the mob, make themselves a dictator. (Credit: Simon and Schuster)

I do have several criticisms of ‘Star Power’ however. For one thing while the book does show some charts displaying data it could use a lot more. Dr. Wright often talks her way through a lot of data rather than showing it. As a firm supporter of ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ I like charts and ‘Star Power’ needed more charts. Another similar problem is that of paragraphs, over and over again there are pages with only two or three paragraphs, and my copy of ‘Star Power’ had small print so there were a lot of sentences running together in each paragraph. These two defects combine to make ‘Star Power’ a bit difficult to read, I found myself growing blurry eyed at times.

Which is exactly what almost happened on January 6th of 2021. Clearly the celebrity candidate is a something that has to be considered in a democratic society. (Credit: The Washington Post)

Which is a shame because ‘Star Power’ is a very important book, about a subject that needs a comprehensive but still accessible book to help the public understand the issues at play. For all its faults I recommend ‘Star Power (American democracy in the Age of Celebrity Candidates) as one small thing we can do to help preserve our democracy.

Paleontology News for November 2022:

Paleontology is the science that’s all about origins. Whether it be the origin of life itself or the beginnings of a certain aspect of some living creatures, let’s say warm bloodiness, paleontology seeks to understand when and how the different characteristics that living creatures possess came to be. In this post I’ll be discussing three such important characteristics and as usual I’ll begin in the distant past and work my way forward in time.

O’k ‘The Cambrian Explosion’ is really just a metaphor but the sudden appearance of so many different life forms at the same time was a unique event in the history of life. (Credit: Think Big)

I have mentioned the Cambrian period several times in these posts, see posts of 16 June 2018 and 2 December 2020. The Cambrian is unique in the history of life because that is the time when a large diversity of living creatures first appears in the fossil record, a phenomenon known as the Cambrian explosion. In the fossils from the Cambrian however we can already recognize animals that are clearly molluscs, or echinoderms, or worms, or arthropods. In other words the major groups of animals known as phyla are already distinct, which means a lot of evolution has already happened. If we want to study the relationships between those major groups, say that between the segmented worms and arthropods, we need fossils that are either from before the Cambrian or from a creature in the Cambrian that contains features unique to two or more distinct phyla.

In order to understand how the various phyla of animals are related to each other we either need evidence from before the Cambrian or ‘missing links’ that share characteristics of two or more phyla. (Credit: ResearchGate)

A recent fossil from China falls into that latter category. The creature is a one centimeter long worm like animal covered with both armoured plates and hair like bristles that has been given the name Wufengella. This creature packs a lot of anatomy into its tiny frame linking three different phyla, the brachiopods (bivalved animals that are not related to clams), bryozoans (known as moss animals) and phoronids (horseshoe worms).

Wufengella, from the late Cambrian, appears to be one of those Missing Links, having features of several very different types of creatures. (Credit: Wikipedia)
Brachiopods (l) may superficially look like clams (r) but the animal inside the bivalve shell is completely different, from a different phyla. (Credit: Wikipedia)

The fossil has been dated to 518 million years ago, near the end of the Cambrian period and so therefore it is not a ‘missing link’ ancestor to those three phyla but rather a now extinct cousin of the brachiopods, bryozoans and phoronids who possessed features of them all. The paper describing Wufengella was published in the journal Current Biology and was written by a large group of paleontologists from a number of universities in both China and the United Kingdom illustrating once again the value to science of cooperation between nations no matter what the quarrels created by their governments.

The original fossil of Wufengella (l) and an artists rendering (r). (Credit: Sci.ners)

One anatomical structure that is of critical importance to many animals is the one with which they eat, their jaw. Different types of animals built their jaws in different ways, arthropods for example built their jaws from modified legs, that’s why close ups of insects eating look so creepy to us. Humans and other vertebrates however developed our jaws from bones that originally held our gills in place, that’s why human fetuses still develop gills about five weeks after fertilization, if we didn’t we wouldn’t have either a jaw or an inner ear.

Human Embryos do in fact develop gills and gill slits. That’s where our jawbones came from and where they first appear. (Credit: Vedantu)

In a previous post I discussed how the early jaws of vertebrates evolved and diversified in the Devonian period, some 400 million years ago, see my post of 30 April 2022, but how the very first vertebrate jaw evolved is still a subject of debate among paleontologists. The one thing that was agreed upon was that, since there were so many different vertebrates with so many different sizes and shapes of jaws during the Devonian, the first jaw must have developed before that time, perhaps during the preceding Silurian period, around 440 million years ago.

By the Devonian period many species of fish possessed jaws. This guy’s are quite impressive. In order to find the first fish with a jaw paleontologists have had to go further back, into the Silurian period. (Credit: The applied Ecologist)

Now a series of four papers in the journal Nature have described a series of early species of jawed fish from the Silurian that are so diverse that they may force paleontologists to look even further back for the first jaw, perhaps as far as the Ordovician period some 480 million years ago. The Silurian fossils were unearthed in a pair of fossil beds outside of Chongqing in southern China and contain both cartilaginous fish, like modern sharks and rays, along with bony fish.

The species discovered represent not only a variety of different types of jaws but different body types, from the wide flat bottom dwelling shape of Xiushanosteus mirabilis and Tujiaspis vividus to the sleek, fast swimming shark like shape of Shenacanthus vermiformis and Fanjingshania renovata. With so much diversity it is obvious that the fish unearthed in China have a lot of evolution behind them, meaning that paleontologists will have to look even further back in time, to the Ordovician period in order to understand how the earliest members of our own phyla came into being.

With a life style that probably resembled a founder’s Xiushanosteus mirabilis already had a well developed jaw when it lived during the Silurian. (Credit: The New York Times)
Shenacanthus vermiformis was a very different kind of fish but, like X mirabilis it too had a well developed jaw. So the common ancestor of this two species, the first jawed vertebrate, must have lived even earlier. In the Ordovician perhaps? (Credit: The New York Times)

Moving forward in time another important innovation in vertebrate animals is the wing, which has allowed thousands of different species to fly. Nowadays when we think of wings we think of birds or bats but they weren’t the first vertebrates to fly, that honour belongs to the family of lizard-like contemporaries of the dinosaurs known as the Pterosaurs.

The Pterosaurs were a large and diverse group of flying reptiles during the age of the dinosaurs but they were not themselves dinosaurs. (Credit:Wikipedia)

Now a reexamination of fossils discovered a hundred years ago in Scotland may have identified the pre-flying ancestors of the pterosaurs. Known as Scleromochlus taylori the small reptile went unappreciated in part because of the incredibly hard 237 million year old limestone blocks in which it was encased.

Not a very impressive creature the small 237 million year old reptile Scleromochlus may have been the common ancestor of the pterosaurs. (Credit: The Indian Express)

The question of how the pterosaurs evolved to fly has been debated as long as how the birds first flew and with pretty much the same arguments. Most paleontologists thought that tree climbing reptiles who began gliding from branch to branch eventually developed leathery wings which they starting flapping for powered flight. The fossils of S taylori however tell the story of a small, fast running ground runner.

Fossils in Limestone can be almost perfectly preserved, but are a bitch to get out of the rock. No wonder it took a long time to discover just exactly what S taylori was. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

The researchers at Edinburgh University discovered the connection between S taylori and pterosaurs only when they performed CT scans of the limestone encased fossils revealing for the first time some of more delicate details of the animal’s anatomy. Details like a head too large for its body and a femur with a hook to it that fits into a slot in the hip so that the animal’s legs go straight downward instead of sidewards like a lizard’s or crocodile’s.

Nowadays paleontologists use advanced technology in order to learn everything they can about their fossils. (Credit: Rapid City Journal)

S taylori was a runner, catching insects near the ground and maybe it started using flaps on its forearms to help it catch its prey. Flaps that got larger and larger until the creature took off like…well, like a pterosaur!

The pterosaurs were the largest animals to ever fly. The sight of one of these babies soaring overhead would have put an eagle to shame! (Credit: Biosphere Magazine)

By studying the anatomy of ancient life paleontologists not only learn about the lives of creatures of the past but of how different species relate, the family tree of life on Earth.

Astronomy New for November 2022: Saturn’s Rings and the end of planet Earth. Don’t worry it’s not for a while yet.

Nowadays we’re all used to seeing beautiful images of astronomical objects, whether from Hubble or now James Webb or from some other observatory. To my mind however, nothing beats seeing the planet Saturn with your own eyes through even a small telescope. Somehow looking through a telescope is different; maybe it’s the movement of the air causing a little shimmer that makes it seem different from an image.

A beautiful image of the planet Saturn even showing a ring of Aurora around the south pole. (Credit: Hubble Space Telescope)

 Of course it’s the rings that make Saturn the most beautiful planet to see. They just seem so unreal, fairy like in a sense. And in a telescope they seem to be as solid as the planet they circle, even though in your mind you know that they are actually made up of trillions, hey millions of trillions of small snowballs. Each snowball a separate moon with its own orbit around Saturn.

From here on Earth it looks like Saturn only has a few rings but up close it’s easy to see hundreds if not thousands of small ringlets in this enhanced image taken by Voyager 2. (Credit: NASA Space Place)

Back before the space age it was thought that only Saturn had rings, you couldn’t see any around any other planet using the telescopes of the 1950s or earlier. Some astronomers claimed to see faint rings around Uranus but it wasn’t until 1977 that observations by James Elliot, Jessica Mink and Edward Dunham convinced the astronomical community that Uranus did indeed have rings. Then in 1979 as the Voyager 1 space probe was flying by Jupiter a couple of its images of the giant planet showed a faint ring system, a discovery that Voyager 2 would confirm a few months later. Finally in 1989 Voyager 2 found that the last of the solar systems gas giants, Neptune also had a set of rings. Since all of the solar systems giant planets are now known to have rings astronomers have begun to wonder if there is some connection, do all gas planets, even those in other solar systems, have rings.

After Saturn the planet Uranus has the best set of rings as seen in this Hubble image. (Credit: Universe Today)

Which of course begs the questions, why do any planets have rings? How do rings form, and how long do they last. Since we’ve never actually seen a ring system forming we really only have theories and educated guesses and astronomers have argued for decades over the details.

One thing we do know about planetary rings is that they are not solid but made up of billions and billions of small moonlets. (Credit: Shutterstock)

For a big ring system like Saturn’s the leading theory has always been that one of the planet’s moons got too close and was disintegrated by tidal forces generating the trillions of particles making up the rings. As I said that theory has been around for nearly a hundred years but now a new analysis by a team of astrophysicists at MIT is using data collected by the Cassini spacecraft that studied the Saturn system between 200 and 2017.

Two major models for how Saturn’s rings formed. Either a moon got to close to Saturn and was pulled apart by tidal forces or an object from the Kuiper belt got to close. (Credit: Science)

As you may remember, NASA ended the Cassini mission by taking the space probe closer and closer to the giant planet until it finally burned up in Saturn’s atmosphere. By tracking Cassini’s path as it got closer and closer the researchers were able to actually measure the distribution of Saturn’s mass within its body, in other words how much of Saturn’s mass was deep in the planet’s core, how much near the surface etc.

The Cassini spacecraft studied Saturn and its moons for thirteen before plunging itself into the giant planet’s atmosphere and burning up! (Credit: Jet Propulsion Labouratory)

That distribution, technically known as the ‘moment of inertia’ was the missing piece of the puzzle to carry out hundreds of computer simulations of an ancient moon of Saturn, which has been given the name of ‘Chrysalis’ being torn apart by the planet’s gravity to form the rings. According to the simulations Chrysalis was about the size and mass of Saturn’s remaining moon Iapetus, about 700 km in diameter. What happened to Chrysalis is that roughly 160 million years ago the gravity of Saturn’s big moon Titan sent Chrysalis too close to the planet where it broke up. So our best estimate now is that Saturn’s big, beautiful ring system probably formed during the age of the dinosaurs!

The beginning of the end for Chrysalis? That’s the leading model for where Saturn’s rings came from. (Credit: PBS Learning Media)

The same thing may happen before too long, cosmically speaking with another moon around planet in our solar system. Phobos, the larger, closer moon of Mars is getting ever closer because of tidal forces drawing it towards the planet. It has been estimated that in about 50 million years Phobos will start to break apart giving Mars a ring system of its own.

Phobos, the bigger, and closer moon of Mars. Are those lines stretched across the moon’s surface signs that Phobos is being pulled apart? Astronomers think that may be so! (Credit: NASA)

Before I go I would like to mention several news stories that have been circulating about the eventual fate of our own planet Earth. According to the stories, based on a paper published in the Astrophysical Journal, as the Sun uses up its hydrogen fuel its core will shrink and grow hotter until it begins to burn helium as a fuel. As the core gets hotter the outer surface of the Sun will expand turning the Sun into a red giant star like Betelgeuse or Antares. As the Sun’s atmosphere expands it will engulf the planets Mercury and Venus and perhaps even our Earth. the news stories hasten to assure their readers that these events will not occur for another 4-5 billion years.

When a star runs out of its hydrogen fuel it begins to burn helium. That causes the star to puff up and become a red giant star. The familiar stars Betelgeuse and Antares are both red giants. (Credit: Forbes)

Well actually that’s all been known since about the 1950s when astrophysicists combined the data from the Hertzprung-Russell diagram with nuclear research to determine the life cycle of stars. That was when the idea that our Sun was a ‘main sequence’ star with a life span of about 10 billion years and was about half way through that span was developed. After the main sequence our Sun will have just about one billion years as a red giant. The question of whether or not the Sun will expand enough to devour the Earth has been debated now for more than 60 years.

The Hertzprung-Russell diagram of star absolute brightness versus surface temperature. This diagram was instrumental in understanding the life cycle of stars. (Credit: Center for Astrophysics and Supercomputing)

What the new study was actually about was what would happen to those planets, Mercury and Venus and maybe Earth, that are engulfed by the Sun as it grows. Once again computer simulations were carried out giving a range of possible fates for those planets but anyway you look at it the planets will certainly be destroyed.

Astronomers think that about 5 billion years from now, as the Sun becomes a red giant, there’s about a 50-50 chance that our Earth will be devoured. In either case our planet won’t be a pleasant place to live anymore! (Credit: Forbes)

But then nothing lasts forever, even planets.