Actually five stories woven into one novel, ‘Cloud Cuckoo Land’ by author Anthony Doerr weaves it’s way from the fall of Constantinople to the Moslem Turks in 1453 to an multi-generational Starship on it’s way to colonize a planet circling the star Beta Oph2 with a stop in present day Idaho along the way. It’s the story about the starship that allows the story to be considered ‘science fiction’.
Cover Art for ‘Cloud Cuckoo Land’ by Anthony Doerr. (Credit: Amazon)
The five main characters in ‘Cloud Cuckoo Land’ are, in order of historical existence, Omeir, a young teamster from Bulgaria in the Moslem army attacking Constantinople while Anna, an even younger seamstress is living in the city under attack. Present day Idaho includes Zeno, a gay Korean War veteran who is interested in classical Greek plays and stories along with Seymour, an emotionally disturbed (autistic?) high school student whose only real friend is an owl who lives in the forest just outside town. Finally there is Konstance, a young girl born on and becoming a teenager aboard the interstellar ark the Argos, 65 years into its 592 year journey to the star Beta Oph2.
Considered one of the pivotal moments in history, the fall of Constantinople in 1453 is be setting for two of the five stories in ‘Cloud Cuckoo Land’. (Credit: Warfare History Network)
The thread that ties all these stories together is a 2nd century novel by the ancient Greek author Antonius Diogenes called ‘Cloud Cuckoo Land’. So in a sense Anthony Doerr’s ‘Cloud Cuckoo Land’ is a novel about a novel. The ancient story is about a simpleton named Aethon who wishes to become a bird, preferably an eagle, hawk or owl, so that he may fly up to the bird’s heaven, Cloud Cuckoo Land. Actually, while Antonius Diogenes was a real 2nd century Greek author the novel ‘Cloud Cuckoo Land’ is a fiction made up by modern author Anthony Doerr.
Author Anthony Doerr uses a fictitious ‘Cloud Cuckoo Land’ by the real Greek Author Antonius Diogenes as the link for the five stories in his ‘Cloud Cuckoo Land’. (Credit: NCW Libraries)
What the modern ‘Cloud Cuckoo Land’ is, is a book in praise of books and libraries and those people who love books and libraries, Doerr in fact dedicates ‘Cloud Cuckoo Land’ to librarians. Much of the novel’s action actually takes place within libraries. The lives of all of the main characters are influenced by books and they all come to revere books in the end.
‘Cloud Cuckoo Land’ is dedicated to librarians including those at the Free Library of Philadelphia, a place I have visited hundreds of times in my life! (Credit: Visit Philadelphia)
Each of the stories in ‘Cloud Cuckoo Land’ is interesting in it’s own way and the ways in which they intersect is cleverly told. The writing is both beautiful without being too florid and bittersweet. All of the stories have something to say about humanity that will on one hand depress you, yet somehow still give you hope. One theme that runs throughout ‘Cloud Cuckoo Land’ is the fragility of books, indeed of all knowledge with the ancient ‘lost’ version of ‘Cloud Cuckoo Land’ serving as an illustration of how much of ancient literature, Greek and otherwise, has actually been lost.
The fragility of knowledge. Much of what we know of the ancient world comes from the work of scholars who try to piece together the fragmentary evidence from damaged scrolls like this one. (Credit: World History Encyclopedia)
‘Cloud Cuckoo Land’ is a thoughtful story, not an exciting one. In fact author Doerr manages to skip past all of the bloodshed during the fall of Constantinople, the Korean War and even the murder of one of his main characters. ‘Cloud Cuckoo Land’ seems to regard violence as just one of the painful parts of life but certainly not one of the interesting parts.
Nevertheless, violence still seems to be our first choice in trying to resolve a conflict between us. But after all, we’re really still just animals following our instincts. (Credit:
As I said above ‘Cloud Cuckoo Land’ is beautifully written and very thought provoking. It’s one of those stories that just a pleasure to read so even if it’s not really ‘science fiction’ I think science fiction readers will love it because it will remind them of all the reasons we love books!
Books, books and more books. Sounds like heaven to me, or perhaps I should say ‘Cloud Cuckoo Land’. (Credit: The Today Show)
We humans like to place the objects we find into distinct categories, male or female, dog or cat, living or non-living. Nature doesn’t really work that way however, the edges between different classes of objects are often quite fuzzy. Take stars and planets for example, back in my post of 22 September 2021, I discussed an relatively new class of objects called brown dwarfs, objects that are too heavy to be planets, but too light to be stars.
Brown Dwarfs are too big to be planets but too small to ignite the fusion processes that power regular stars. (Credit: EarthSky)
Strictly speaking brown dwarfs do not have enough mass to cause the pressure and temperature at their core to ignite the process of hydrogen fusion. They are larger than planets however and do emit some infrared light because the gasses they are made of continue to collapse due to gravity and that shrinking generates heat.
Strictly speaking the planet Jupiter is actually emitting a little more energy than it receives from the Sun because even after 4 billion years it is still shrinking. (Credit: European Space Agency)
One of the smallest, and coolest brown dwarfs ever discovered is known as WISE J062309.94-045624.6, (I’ll just call it J06 from now on) which is located about 7 light years from our solar system. The size and mass of J06 are only approximately known, its diameter is between 0.95 and 0.65 that of Jupiter while it’s mass is at least four time Jupiter’s, but not more than 44 times. We do have a rather accurate measurement of it’s surface temperature however, around 425ºC making it about as hot as a wood burning fireplace.
The Wide-Field Infrared Survey Experiment or WISE space telescope searches the sky for objects that are only emitting light in the infrared. (Credit: Wikipedia)
Being so cool it was something of a surprise therefore when observations of J06 by the CSIRO ASKAP radio telescope in Western Australia showed that the dwarf was broadcasting periodically at frequencies between 0.9 and 2.0 Giga-Hertz (That’s between 900 million and 2 billion cycles per second). These observations were later confirmed with the Australia Telescope Compact Array and South Africa’s MeerKAT telescope.
Unlike the images we get from Hubble or ground based telescope this is the sort of data we get from radio telescopes. These are some of the actual measurements from J06. (Credit: IOPscience-Institute of Physics)
The time period for the radio emissions was found to be about 1.91 hours which is thought to be the time it takes the dwarf to rotate on its axis, its day that is. An analysis of the data from J06 by researchers at the University of Sydney, including lead author Ph.D. candidate Kovi Rose has led to the conclusion that the dwarf possesses a magnetic field of greater than 700 gauss that is generating the radio emissions.
University of Sidney Ph.D candidate Kovi Rose. (Credit: Cosmos Magazine)
Only a small number of Brown Dwarfs have been discovered so far by astronomers and there is much we don’t know about this class of celestial objects. Only by finding more dwarfs, maybe by using their radio emissions to detect them, can we learn more about these objects.
South Africa’s MeerKAT antenna array is becoming one of the centers for the study of Brown Dwarfs. (Credit:
Unlike normal stars, Brown Dwarfs are studied by observing them in the infrared or radio portions of the electro-magnetic (EM) spectrum. One hundred years ago such observations could not have been carried out simply because the instruments needed to detect infrared and radio energy did not exist. Today however astronomers also have instruments that allow them to observe in the Ultra-Violet and X-ray portions of the EM spectra so that we can “see” the Universe in those lights as well.
Since X-rays are quickly absorbed by out atmosphere astronomers have to study them using space telescopes like the Chandra X-Ray probe shown here. (Credit: NASA)
More than that, today astronomers can even make observations of the Universe using Cosmic Ray particles and Gravity Waves, see my posts of 14 June 2017 and 22 October 2017. In fact every time that astronomers have found a new way to observe the Universe, a new form of energy with which to make astronomical studies, they have discovered whole new kinds of celestial objects and learned even more about the objects they already knew.
The LIGO observatory was the first to detect and study the Universe using gravity waves instead of light. (Credit: LIGO Caltech)
One type of radiation that astronomers that tried for a long time to employ are neutrinos, those ghost like sub-atomic particles that can pass through the entire Earth with hardly any of them interacting. That’s why neutrinos are so hard to use for astronomical observations, you need huge detectors, and lots of time, in order to catch just a few of them.
In order to capture just a few neutrinos you need huge detectors buried deep underground. (Credit: Nature)
That hasn’t stopped astronomers and astrophysicists from trying to use neutrinos however. The first time was a neutrino detector buried in the Homestake mine in South Dakota that was designed to detect neutrinos produced by the process of hydrogen fusion deep within the Sun. This experiment ran from 1970 to 1994 and taught us a great deal about both the Sun and neutrinos. Then, in 1987 the first supernova in our galaxy for over 300 years was detected and just as astrophysicists had predicted the Sudbury neutrino experiment detected about a dozen neutrinos from the distant event.
Buried in a massive glacier in Antarctica the Ice Cube neutrino detector is by volume the largest scientific experiment ever built. (Credit: Ice Cube Neutrino Observatory)
Now astronomers have constructed the largest, in terms of volume, experiment ever in the ice covered continent of Antarctica. The Ice Cube Telescope as it is known uses the fact that when a neutrino does interact with more normal matter it causes the emission of a few photons of light, photons that can travel a considerable distance through the Antarctic ice.
The scientists who operate Ice Cube live right above their instrument in this building near the south pole. (Credit: Wikipedia)
The Ice Cube Telescope was constructed with a full cubic kilometer of glacial ice near the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. Drilling holes down into the ice scientists buried over 5,000 light detectors so that they could detect the light generated by any neutrinos that were absorbed in that cubic kilometer of ice. Despite its huge size the Ice Cube detector still only captures a small number of neutrinos every day so, like taking a picture in very low light, in order to form any kind of image a long exposure time was required.
Taking a picture at night or in any low light conditions requires a time exposure like in the image here. (Credit: Visual Wilderness)
In fact it took over 10 years to collect 60,000 neutrino generated collisions and a special computer algorithm in order to form the first ever neutrino image of our Milky Way galaxy. Researchers from Drexel University’s Department of Physics Naoko Kurahashi Neilson, Associate Professor along with graduate student Steve Sclafani performed the processing that produced the image shown below.
The way our Milky way galaxy looks in radio (top), optical and gamma rays and now in neutrinos (bottom). (Credit: American Physical Society)Naoko Kurahashi Neilson in her office at Drexel University and at the Ice Cube observatory in Antarctica. (Credit: UMKC WordPress)
This picture represents the birth of an entirely new kind of astronomy, neutrino astronomy. Right now we can only guess what neutrino images will tell us about the objects we already know about, but more importantly what new kinds of astronomical objects will be discovered using neutrinos.
I’m certain that it won’t come as a surprise to anyone familiar with this blog that I’m very much concerned with Climate Change / Global Warming and in fact with environmental issues in general. I know that more and more of my posts lately have been devoted to the damage that we ourselves are doing to our planet. I guess I’m just trying to do what I can to educate people about how bad the climate crisis is, and how much worse it could get.
The latest climate crisis I never imagined happening are the wildfires raging across the Hawaiian islands. Maui in particular has been devastated. (Credit: BBC)
So in this post I’m going to review a book by an author who is much better suited to give the warning about climate change than I am. Bill McGuire is Professor Emeritus of Geophysical and Climate Hazards at University College London and was a contributing scientist to the 2012 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Since that time Professor McGuire has written numerous articles for periodicals about the coming dangers of global warming as well as the book I’ll be reviewing today, ‘Hothouse Earth, an Inhabitants Guide’.
Cover art for ‘Hothouse Earth’ by Bill McGuire
Professor Bill McGuire is one of the World’s leading climatologists and the author of several books on the coming climate crisis. (Credit: UCL)
Professor McGuire begins at the beginning, two hundred and fifty years ago with the invention by Richard Arkwright of a mechanical loom for the production of cotton thread, an invention that is often sited as the beginning of the industrial revolution. While that first mechanical loom was powered by a water wheel subsequent versions were soon powered by James Watt’s coal burning steam engine and so began the connection between industry and carbon emissions. In ‘Hothouse Earth’ Professor McGuire often returns to the day of Richard Arkwright as being his baseline for the days before humanity began dumping huge amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere.
Often called the father of the Industrial Revolution Richard Arkwright invented the water driven loom shown here. (Credit:
‘Hothouse Earth’ then presents a brief outline of those scientists who studied the effect that CO2 in the atmosphere has on the planet’s temperature. It was the American chemist Eunice Foote who in 1856 demonstrated that CO2 is a greenhouse gas, trapping the Sun’s energy so that it warms our planet. Then just forty years later it was Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius who developed the first climate models for how Earth’s temperature would change depending on the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. Based on the amount of coal that was being burned back in 1900 Arrhenius even predicted that we would be seeing the effects of global warming just about now! As Professor McGuire puts it “No one can say we weren’t warned!”
Besides predicting global warming over 125 years ago Svante Arrhenius was also executor of Alfred Nobel’s will and therefore the person who actually set up the Nobel prizes, winning a chemistry one himself in 1903. (Credit: Energy Education)
With his background in geology Professor McGuire is well versed in how the Earth’s temperature has changed in the past, from ice ages to long periods when the planet was so warm that the polar ice caps completed melted. Throughout ‘Hothouse Earth’ Professor McGuire uses examples from those past eras to illustrate what our climate will be like before long, while repeatedly pointing out that the climate of our planet today is changing faster than it ever has.
Geologically planet Earth is actually in an ice age period. The fact that it is burning up is completely our doing! (Credit:
The meat of ‘Hothouse Earth’ is a long survey of the ways that climate change is going to make our planet a much worse place to live. In addition to more sever weather, both droughts and flooding, there’s rising sea levels, more massive wildfires, ocean acidification, the spread of tropical diseases etc, etc. Those are the direct effects of climate change but as Professor McGuire points out the growing scarcity of water and food, along with large areas of the planet becoming uninhabitable will combine to drive migrations of whole populations, and greatly increase the chances for future conflict.
Global warming isn’t just a disaster on land. The warming of the oceans is killing the coral reefs where half of all marine life exists. (Credit: NBC News)
It’s not a pretty picture and Professor McGuire doesn’t try to sugarcoat what’s coming. In fact he’s well aware that many people will regard him as an alarmist and he refuses to apologize for it, insisting that raising the alarm on climate change is a good thing. At the same time ‘Hothouse Earth’ also takes aim at both the climate deniers and the geoengineers who hope to invent some technical ‘fix’ to negate global warming. You may have heard on the news one or more of the many ideas put forward that propose to either reflect some of the Sun’s energy before it warms the Earth or suck all of the CO2 out of the air so that we can continue to burn all of the fossil fuels we want.
There are a lot of ‘ideas’ going around right now to ‘fix’ the climate crisis. None are as cheap or as sure, or as safe as simply stopping the burning of fossil fuels! (Credit:
While the deniers are simply obstinate fools the geoengineers at least recognize that there is a problem that needs to be solved. Their plans so far however vary between dangerous, like spraying massive amounts of sulfuric acid into the atmosphere to simulate the cooling caused by volcanic eruptions to simply much too expensive. We already know what the solution to global warming is, we’ve known it all along, stop burning fossil fuels.
There simply can’t be anybody who thinks this is a good thing. But far too many people think it’s profitable and in our world money is more important than goodness! (Credit: BONews)
‘Hothouse Earth’ isn’t a fun read, it isn’t meant to be. It is meant to raise the alarm because everyday now we hear about record setting temperatures in Dallas and Beijing, wildfires in Canada, droughts across Africa and on and on. We really are at a tipping point, it is thought that we could see a 1.5ºC temperature rise since Richard Arkwright’s time this very year. That 1.5ºC rise is thought by many climatologists to be a level where the effects of global warming increase significantly so we really are running out of time.
The hottest month ever measured and now officially over the 1.5 degree threshold scientists have been warning us about, July of 2023 will be long remembered as when the climate crisis began in earnest. (Credit: BBC)
In other words things could be getting a lot worse real soon. If you want to do something about it then I strongly suggest that ‘Hothouse Earth’ by Bill McGuire is a good place to start.
On July 1st the American space corporation Space X successfully launched the European Space Agency’s (ESA’s) Euclid space telescope and set it on course for its final destination the Lagrangian L2 point that lies about 1 million kilometers from Earth. The spacecraft spent the about thirty days on that journey, reaching its destination at the end of the month. (For more information on the Lagrangian points see my blog posts of 6 January 2017 and 29 January 2022). This is the same location that the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) was sent to and for the same reason. Since both telescopes observe the Universe in the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum they both have to get as far away as they can from the heat of our planet, which would swamp their infrared detectors. Unlike JWST however Euclid will also operate in the visible spectrum.
Artists impression of the ESA’s Euclid space telescope at its L2 Lagrangian position. (Credit: BBC)
With a main mirror of 1.2 meters in diameter Euclid is a less powerful telescope than JWST but it is designed to survey a larger portion of the sky with each observation. That was dictated by Euclid’s six-year mission to determine the distances and redshifts of millions of galaxies spread across approximately one third of the sky. Redshift in the light coming from a distant galaxy is caused by the general expansion of the Universe after the Big Bang and tells astronomers exactly how fast that galaxy is moving away from our own Milky Way.
First Images from the Euclid Space Telescope. The left image is in the visible spectrum while the right is in the infrared. The results are everything astronomers hoped for and they are very excited! (Credit: SciTechDaily)We’re all familiar with how the Doppler effect causes sirens coming towards us to have a higher pitch than those going away. The same thing happens to light with a shift to the blue meaning the light source is coming towards you while a red shift means it’s going away. (Credit: StudiousGuy)
By making these observations it is hoped that Euclid will give astrophysicists insight into how the expansion of the Universe has changed over the last 10 billion, which in turn will provide some clues about the nature of Dark Energy. At the same time Euclid will study the effect of gravitational lensing on the light coming from distant galaxies. By studying this effect astrophysicists hope to learn more about Dark Matter.
An Einstein ring is caused by the strong gravity of the bright galaxy in the center of this image bending the light from another galaxy behind it into a ring shape. (Credit: Wikipedia)
Together Dark Matter and Dark Energy are the two greatest mysteries in science today. Think about it, physicists estimate that some 95% of the energy in the Universe comes in forms that we know almost nothing about. Physicists first began thinking about Dark Matter more than 50 years ago and although we’ve tried many ideas as to what Dark Matter could be so far none of them have been confirmed. (For more about Dark Matter see my post of 19 June 2019).
According to our best theories this is the composition of the Universe. We understand the 5%, the rest is all guesswork. (Credit: Wickersham’s Conscience)
Most of what we know about Dark Matter comes from the way its gravity effects shape and motions of galaxies, a study known as galactic dynamics. Recently the way that Dark Matter’s gravity can bend the light coming from galaxies behind it has also been studied. By observing this effect for millions of galaxies it is expected that Euclid will provide a better understanding of how Dark Matter is distributed throughout space.
Galaxies upon galaxies, seemingly without end. That’s our Universe! (Credit: The Atlantic)
Dark Energy on the other hand is simply a name cosmologists have given to whatever force it is that is causing the Universe to not only expand but accelerate in that expansion, we literally know nothing else about it. One thing that cosmologists most what to know about is whether Dark Energy is a constant, like the ‘cosmological constant’ in Einstein’s field equations, or is it dynamic, does it’s strength change with time. The very fate of the Universe is at stake here for if Dark Energy is strictly constant then most of the other galaxies in the Universe will one day move so far away as to become invisible, leaving only the Milky Way and a few of its close neighbors as all of the Universe there is to be seen.
We thought that gravity would cause the expansion of the Universe to slow down but instead it is accelerating. We call whatever it is that is causing the acceleration ‘Dark Energy’ and we really know almost nothing about it. (Credit: The Conversation)
If however Dark Energy gets stronger with time then the force of expansion will grow into a ‘Big Rip’ where every single particle in the Universe is repelled by every other particle and no structure of any kind exists. On the other hand, what if Dark Energy should reverse itself, becoming an attraction rather than a repulsion. In that case the expansion of the Universe could come to a stop and become a contraction eventually leading to a ‘Big Crunch’, the opposite of the Big Bang.
There are a lot of ideas out there about how our Universe could end. None of them pleasant! (Credit: Reddit)
It is questions like that that astronomers hope Euclid will provide some answers to. At the same time it is also expected that during its survey of the sky the Euclid spacecraft will discover many unusual objects that will be studied in detail by more powerful telescopes like JWST. The data sent back by Euclid will be shared amongst more than 1200 astronomers and astrophysicists in 15 countries, basically the European Union plus the UK, Canada and the US.
The data sent back by the Euclid space telescope will compliment that sent back from JWST. Hopefully together they will tell us something about Dark Energy and Dark Matter. (Credit: Science News)The father of Geometry we all learned about Euclid in High School. (Credit: Biography Online)
Ever since Einstein we’ve known that gravity effects the very geometry of space-time. By providing us with details about the nature of Dark Energy and Dark Matter the Euclid spacecraft will teach us a great deal about the overall geometry of the Universe, following in the footsteps of Euclid of Alexandria, the founder of geometry.