The Dangers posed by certain foods, habits and environmental conditions to our health are often uncovered by large-scale studies of a significant portion of the population. The harmful effects of smoking, the long term damage caused by even low levels of lead in drinking water, these threats to our health and many others were first detected in studies of thousands if not millions of people.

The basic idea is simple: quantify the health of a large number of people who are exposed to a factor being studied, and compare it to the health of a similar sized group of people who are not exposed. The health risks of smoking, pollution, obesity or even just sitting in a chair too many hours a day can then be determined by the use of statistical analysis.
Now noted Professor Jonathan M. Metzl, director of the Center for Medicine, Health and Society at Vanderbilt University has conducted three separate studies related to the effects on health of a very unusual and highly controversial factor, being a White Person! The results of these studies are detailed in Doctor Metzl’s new book “Dying of Whiteness’.

The thesis of “Dying of Whiteness’ is that in today’s America millions of White, middle class people in this country are, in order to ‘maintain our way of life’, supporting conservative political ideologies that are actually harmful to their health and life expectancy. In support of his thesis Dr. Metzl examines three different aspects of conservatism in three distinct locations: 1.) Gun Laws in the state of Missouri. 2.) Health care in Tennessee, in particular opposition to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) also known as Obamacare. 3.) And finally the state of Kansas’ experiment in drastically cutting taxes in an effort to stimulate the economy and the resulting cutbacks in public services, everything from schools to highway upkeep.

I have written several posts previously (see my posts of 21 and 24Feburary and 19December 2018) on gun violence in this country and specially pointed out the shockingly high levels of suicide in this country. The plain fact is that in the United States twice as many people use a gun to kill themselves as to kill another person. Dr Metzl confines himself to the suicide aspect of gun violence, analyzing the situation in three ways: 1.) Examining the changes in gun legislation and policy in Missouri over the last 25 years. 2.) Relating anecdotal evidence gathered through interviews that illustrate the effects of suicide on those left behind. 3.) Comparing the actual statistical suicide rates in Missouri over the last 50 years.
Based on the evidence Dr. Metzl, who grew up in Missouri himself, forcefully concludes that the conservative political ideology, based on the desire to maintain white privilege, is actually adversely affecting the health of white people! To illustrate I’ll just quote one statistic, a white male buying a handgun to protect his home is eight times more likely to kill himself with that handgun than he is to ever kill an intruder. Instead of ‘Making America Great Again’ contemporary conservative policies are benefiting only the very rich while inflicting great harm to the majority of Americans, even white Americans.

A similar story is told for the condition of health care in Tennessee, which adamantly refused to accept the ACA for purely political reasons. The effect of the decision is analyzed by comparing Tennessee’s abysmal health care to that of its neighbor Kentucky, which choose to accept both the ACA and the expansion of Medicade that accompanied it.
Again both anecdotal and statistical evidence is presented detailing how lower class citizens in Tennessee are suffering and dying for lack of proper medical attention when compared to the citizens of Kentucky. This goes even for those lower class white citizens who voted for the politicians who refused to allow the ACA in their state.

In one of the most heart breaking stories in the book Dr. Metzl relates the tale of Trevor, as is common in psychological studies Dr. Metzl does not use the real names of those he interviews. Trevor is slowly dying of an inflamed liver, a particularly painful way to die, brought on by a life of heavy drinking and hepatitis. If Trevor lived in Kentucky he would be eligible for drugs or even a liver transplant but in Tennessee he has no health care and cannot afford treatment. He still opposes Obamacare however, saying, “…no way I want my tax dollars paying for Mexicans and welfare queens.” Trevor is willing to die rather than support a system that would equally benefit both him and minorities.
In the final section of ‘Dying of Whiteness’ Dr Metzl discusses the State of Kansas’ recent and radical experiment in low taxes and small government. There had been a time not so long ago, when Kansas had been a model of good government, good roads, well-maintained parks and especially good schools. For decades Kansas public schools and colleges were ranked as the best in the mid-western United States.
That was before Governor Sam Brownback and the Tea-Party dominated GOP began their austerity program. State taxes were slashed in order to promote economic growth and ‘cut waste in government’.

It wasn’t long before the state was forced to cutback drastically in public services. Ironically these cutbacks forced local governments to increase taxes so that before long it was only corporations and the very rich who were actually benefiting from the low state taxes.
The resulting effect on schools was disastrous. State wide test scores dropped while dropout rates increased. The reduction in school funding was so extreme that teachers were often forced to spend their own money to obtain necessary school supplies. Kansas’ once exemplary public services were sacrificed to a conservative ideology that had been supported by lower class whites but which did them the same harm as it did to those minorities that they had accused of abusing the public welfare system.

‘Dying of Whiteness’ is not a pleasant book to read, hard truths are rarely pleasant things to face. However it is a very important and powerfully written book on current political policies here in the United States and increasingly elsewhere in the world. With the Trump administration’s current legal attempts to eliminate the ACA completely, while at the same time having no plan for any replacement it is a fair bet that over the next few years many more people will be ‘Dying of Whiteness’!