Paleontology News for September 2022:

There are a lot of interesting studies and discoveries taking place in paleontology. As usual I’ll start in the distant past and go forward in time.

Most of the physics experiments we perform work just as well going backward in time as forward. So why then does the Universe seem to have a definite movement toward the future, not the past? (Credit: Medium)

The Cambrian period in geologic history marks an important turning point in the history of life on Earth because it was during that time 540 to 520 million years ago (MYA) that multicelled organisms first developed hard parts, shells, spines and eventually bones. As I’ve said many times in these posts 99% of the fossils paleontologists find are just the hard parts of the creatures of the past. So fossils are very rare from the time before the Cambrian while they become much more plentiful from that time on.

The Animals of the Cambrian period were the first to possess ‘hard parts’ that fossilized easily. This largely, but not totally, explains the well known ‘Cambrian Explosion’. (Credit: Sam Noble Museum, University of Oklahoma)

Now researchers in the UK think that they have found the earliest known animal to have a hard skeletal structure and they also think that it may be the earliest known predator to boot. The fossil was discovered in an outcrop of rocks in Charnwood Forest near Leicester in central England. The rocks that the specimen was found in date to 560 MYA, so the creature lived in a time just before the start of the Cambrian period.

Charnwood Forrest may look a bit bleak and foreboding but paleontologists and archaeologists love this kind of terrain. (Credit: The Wildlife Trusts)

As described by Frankie Dunn of the Oxford University Museum of Natural History the animal “…clearly has a skeleton, with densely packed tentacles that would have waved around in the water capturing passing food, much like corals and sea anemones do today.” O’k, so the creature wasn’t exactly a predator like a lion or a shark but remember this would be the world’s first predator, the first animal to grab another animal and eat it.

Is this Earth’s first predator. The actual fossil from Charnwood (r) and an artists illustration of what it looked like (l). (Credit: Charnwood Borough Council)

Perhaps the best part of this first predator was the name that the paleontologists gave it, Aurorlumina attenboroughii. The genus name means ‘Dawn Lantern’ and comes from the creature’s resemblance to a blazing torch. Of course the species name is an honour to the great British naturalist and broadcaster Sir David Attenborough, who actually used to go fossil hunting in his youth in the very area where A attenboroughii was discovered.

Sir David Attenborough with the fossil named for him. World renown for his explorations of life in all its diversity Sir David certainly deserves such an honour. (Credit: The Times)

Going forward in time about 200 million years we come to another critical moment in the history of life, the time when the first vertebrate fish began to walk on land. That fish is the ancestor of all the land vertebrates that came after and at present our best guess for the species that achieved that feat is Tiktaalik roseae, a flat headed lobe finned fish about a meter and a half in length who walked upon the bottom of shallow streams and ponds during the late Devonian period some 365 MYA. Looking at T roseae it is clear that, in times of drought, this fish could have lifted itself out if the water and clumsily walked to the next, larger pond or stream. T roseae was discovered at a location on Ellesmere Island in the Canadian Province of Nunavut and which lies north of the Artic Circle.

Evolutionary history in the making. Tiktaalik roseae is our best guess at being the first vertebrate animal to leave the water and walk on land. (Credit: New York Times)

Now a new specimen has been discovered at a site only 1.5 km from the location where T roseae was found and critically about 80m below the rock strata that contained Tiktaalik. That means that the new species, which has been given the name Qikiqqtania wakei, is perhaps a million years or so older. Like T roseae, Q wakei has four strong lobe fins that could have been used to ‘walk’ along the bottom. According to lead author and co-discoverer Thomas Stewart of the Biology Department at Pennsylvania State University however a careful examination of the animal’s humerus bone indicates that unlike T roseae, Q wakei was evolving to swim better, not walk on land.

He who hesitates is lost. It seems that while Tiktaalik (r & l) had the courage to move onto land Qikiqqtania (center) decided to turn around head back to deeper water. (Credit: The Independent)

Professor Stewart speculates that like T roseae, Q wakei lived in shallow streams and ponds but unlike its later cousin, which crawled onto the land occasionally, Q wakei turned around and headed back to deeper water. If that is so then Q wakei represents one of the greatest ‘missed opportunities’ in the history of life. It could have conquered the land a million years before its cousin T roseae, it could have become the ancestor of all land vertebrates, all amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, even us, but it didn’t. Instead Q wakei took the safe route and returned to a more familiar, more comfortable environment, letting another species be the one that changed the world.

The smoking gun of Qikiqqtania wakei turning back is in its bony fins, which show that the animal was adapting to swimming in deeper waters, not walking on land. (Credit: ZME Science)

Moving ahead about another 100 million years and vertebrates were now flourishing on the land as new species of amphibians and reptiles were evolving and it wouldn’t be long before the first ancestors of the mammals appeared. These early mammals like creatures are known as caseids and now paleontologists from the University of Freiberg and the Dinosaur Museum Altmühltal in Dekendorf, both in Germany, have described a new species of caseid that they feel very much resembles a well know modern descendant.

The ancestors of the mammals were fat bellied lizard like creatures called caseids. (Credit: Deviant Art)

The animal has been named Lalieudorhynchus gandi and it lived about 265 million years ago at the time when all of the continents were joined together into one ‘supercontinent’ called Pangaea in what is today the Lodѐve region of southern France. Based analysis on the fossil bones, which consist of two large ribs, each about 60cm in length along with a femur, 35cm long and a shoulder blade 5 cm long, the paleontologists have reconstructed L gandi as a 4-meter long pudgy lizard with a small head that lived a semi-aquatic life similar to that of a modern Hippo.

Among the largest of its kind Lalieudorhynchus gandi lived like, and even looked a bit like, a modern Hippopotamus. (Credit:

Like a hippo, L gandi was an herbivore, grazing on the aquatic plants that grew in lakes and rivers. When examined under a microscope the animal’s bones were found to have a spongy texture, indicating that L gandi spent much of the time in water where buoyancy would help support its several hundred kilos of mass. As one of the earliest known caseids the paleontologists hope that L gandi will teach us a great deal about this important group of per-mammalian reptiles.

The actual bones recovered from Lalieudorhynchus gandi. Paleontologists can learn a great deal about a creature from just a few fragments of its skeleton. (Credit: Twitter)

So there you have it, three stories that follow a thread through time. From the earliest animal with a skeleton to a relative of the first vertebrates to walk on land to an early mammal like creature the story of life on Earth is a long and fascinating tale.

Paleontologists are making progress in unlocking the secrets of two of the most events in the history of life here on Earth.

There have been many events in the long history of Earth that have shaped the course of the evolution of life for millions of years. Whether it be the rise of multi-cellular organisms or the asteroid that ended the reign of the dinosaurs, life today would be very different if those events hadn’t happened, certainly we wouldn’t be here. 

The history of life is a combination of gradual change and Earth-Shattering events. (Credit:

In today’s post I’ll be talking about recent progress that is being made in understanding two of these events. One of those events was the first time that an animal with an internal skeleton, a vertebrate left the ocean to walk on land but I’m going to start by discussing new revelations concerning the very origin of life itself.

Timeline of the history of our Planet. (Credit:

Scientific speculation about the origin of life began even before Darwin published his ‘On the Origin of Species’ but for about a hundred years it was little more than speculation. Then in the 1950s the Miller-Urey experiment was performed showing how easily the gasses that made up our planet’s early atmosphere could be converted into complex organic molecules like amino acids. (For more information on the Miller-Urey experiment see my post of 9 March 2019.)

Setup of the Miller _ Urey experiment. (Credit: Big Picture)

For the last fifty years however real progress in determining the chemical path that led to the first living things ran into a roadblock, the chemical phosphorus. You see phosphorus is critical in many of the chemicals processes in living cells; Adenosine triphosphate is often referred to as the match that lights the chemical engine of cell metabolism while phospholipids make cell membranes stronger and more watertight. Perhaps most importantly phosphorus is an essential element in the formation of both the DNA and RNA molecules that form the genetic code of life.

The Chemical Structure of Adenosine triphosphate. The phosphorus atom on the far left contains a lot of easily usable energy. (Credit: Wikipedia)

Problem is that phosphorus doesn’t usually combine well with organic chemicals, combining more easily with calcium, an element that is abundant in the oceans. This leaves very little free phosphorus around with which to create the first living things. Biochemists were stumped, to build the first living creatures you need phosphorus, where did those, not yet living, complex organic compounds get it.

Jonathan D. Toner and David C. Catling of the Department of Earth and Space Sciences at the University of Washington have recently suggested a solution to this problem. In their paper published in the ‘Proceedings of the National Academy of Science’ they have suggested that carbonate rich lakes might be the locations where phosphorus was incorporated into organic chemistry. You see carbon bonds with calcium even more strongly than phosphorus does. So lakes that are rich in carbonates will use up all of the calcium leaving whatever phosphorus there is free to get incorporated into organic compounds.

Mono Lake in California. It may not look hospitable but there is plenty of primitive life here. (Credit: News Deeply)

The kind of lakes we’re talking about here is not the sort commonly considered hospitable to life. Lakes with little or no outlets where salts and other chemicals can build up. Mono Lake in California and Lake Magadi in Kenya would be a good examples. Although such environments are hostile to advanced forms of life they are often rich in primitive bacteria and algae.

Lake Magadi in Kenya is famous for the huge number of Flamingos that feed on the small crustaceans there. (Credit: Africa Dream Safaris)

Doctors Toner and Catling have even measured high levels of free phosphorus in many such lakes, see chart below, demonstrating that the more inorganic carbon in the water, the more free phosphorus there is as well. Other scientists will have to critique and challenge Toner and Catling’s theory before it’s accepted but it certainly looks as if they may have found the solution to a longstanding problem.

Phosphorus levels versus free carbonates in lakes examined by Toner and Catling. (Credit: SciTech Daily)

Another crucial event in the history of life occurred when the first vertebrate crawled out of the water and onto the land. From the paleontological record we know that this transition occurred during the late Devonian period some 3755 million years ago. While the actual species of fish that first succeeded in wiggling out of the water is a subject of debate one possibility is Tiktaalik rosa, see image below, discovered by Neil Shubin of the University of Chicago and Edward Daeschler of the Academy of Natural Science here in Philadelphia.

Artists impression of Tiktaalik roseae. (Credit: Paleocast)
Proposed family tree of the fish who crawled out of the ocean. (Credit: Pinterest)

Looking at Tiktaalik it is immediately obvious that this animal is not a streamlined swimmer. In fact Doctors Shubin and Daeschler think that Tiktaalik crawled along the bottom of shallow, muddy lakes and ponds using its four fins more like legs than fins. Such an anatomy and lifestyle seems perfect for the first land walker but it also raises the question of how did the fins of a fish evolve into the proto-legs of Tiktaalik. Now Doctors Shubin and Daeschler, along with a few of their colleagues, have published a new paper comparing the limb-fin of Tiktaalik to those of related, and thought to be ancestral species, Sauripterus taylori and Eusthenopteron foordi.

First the researchers used CT scans of the fossil remains to construct 3-D models of not only the bones in the animals fins but also the cartilage and dermal (skin) rays. The 3-D model allowed the researchers to rotate and examine the entire skeletal structure bringing out details that are commonly lost in removing the bones from the rock encasing them.

Dermal rays of the pectoral fins of T roseae. (Credit: Thomas A. Stewart et. al.)

What the scientists discovered was that the evolution from the earlier species to Tiktaalik involved a reduction in the dermal rays of the fins. At the same time the top and bottom of the fin lost their symmetry, the top growing faster than the bottom leading to the formation of a ‘palm’ in the fin of Tiktaalik. Such a structure would have been able to act as a support base when Tiktaalik rested on the bottom of a pond, or on land.

The water to land transition was one of the most important events in the history of life. Thanks to the work of Doctors Daeschler and Shubin we are now filling in some of the minute details of the anatomical changes needed to make that transition. Bit by bit other paleontologists are filling in the details of other events as well giving us a clearer picture of how life evolved into all of the many the living things on Earth today.

It probably didn’t happen this way! (Credit: