Astronomy News for July 2024: A New Study of the Radial Velocities of Cepheid Variable Stars Allows Astronomers to more Precisely use these Stars in Their Measurements and What Makes Cepheids so Important Anyway? 

The ancient astronomers of Babylon, Greece and Mesoamerica all believed that the heavens above were perfect, changeless, eternal, and that’s despite the changing phases of the Moon and the motion of the planets against the background of ‘Fixed Stars’. That’s why they thought comets and meteoroids were weather phenomenon, not part of the heavens, because they weren’t permanent. As astronomers began to examine stars with telescopes and other instruments however, they quickly realized that are the stars not ‘Fixed’ in their positions but they do move slowly across our sky.

The Geocentric model of the Universe. Here the Earth is motionless in the center with the planets orbiting around it and the ‘fixed stars’ of heaven beyond them. Modern instruments like the telescope quickly showed this idea to be grossly incorrect! (Credit: Simple Wikipedia)

Another way that astronomers discovered stars change is in their brightness. In fact even before the telescope there were some observations of ‘nova’ or new stars that appeared where no star had been and then disappeared after several weeks to a month. There was also the strange star Algol whose brightness noticeable dropped every 2.87 days. The Arab astronomers who first noticed this named the star ‘El Ghoul’ which over the centuries got shortened to Algol.

Algol is known to be an eclipsing binary where a large but cool star occasionally passes in front of a brighter star causing the system as a whole to become dimmer for a short period of time. (Credit: Cosmic Pursuits)

It wasn’t until the 19th century however that an entire class of stars were discovered whose brightness varied up and down in a rhythmic fashion, that is the length of time it took a particular star to go from being bright to being dim and back to bright was the same over and over again. Different stars of this type each had their own period but each star’s period stayed the same. The brightest star of this type in our sky was δ Cepheid so the entire class acquired the name Cepheids. By the way, while δ Cepheid might be the brightest Cepheid in the sky the best known Cepheid is the Pole Star Polaris.

Something I learned in my days as a Boy Scout. To find the North Star Polaris just use the two front star of the cup of the Big Dipper and follow the line they make to Polaris! (Credit: YouTube)

It wasn’t long before astronomers began to wonder if there was some connection between a Cepheid’s period and its absolute brightness, the actual amount of energy it emits every second. You have to remember that the brightness of a star in our sky, its apparent brightness, depends not only on how bright it really is, its absolute brightness, but on how far away from Earth it is as well. The star Betelgeuse for example is actually a lot brighter than the star Sirius, but Betelgeuse is about 70 times farther away than Sirius, that’s why it’s Sirius that appears to be the brighter of the two stars in the sky.

The star Sirius appears to be the brightest star in the sky here on Earth but if all of the stars around Sirius were at the same distance as Sirius it wouldn’t look very bright at all! Sirius is so bright mainly because it’s close to our Solar System. (Credit: Physics Feed)

On the other hand, if astronomers know the absolute brightness of a star then they can measure its apparent brightness and from those values calculate the distance to that star, and it’s measuring distances to objects in space that is the hardest thing to do in astronomy. That’s why astronomers were so interested in seeing if there was a relationship between the period of a Cepheid and its absolute brightness. By 1890 more than 30 Cepheid variables were known to astronomers but they were all over the sky, at various distances and brightnesses, the problem of finding a simple relationship seemed impossible to solve.

Cepheid variables are easily recognized by astronomers because of the rhythmic pattern in the change in their brightness. (Credit: Hyper Physics Concepts)

It was the Lady Computer Miss Henrietta Swan Leavitt of Harvard Observatory who cracked the puzzle. Oh, you didn’t know that before computers were built out of transistors and other electronics people were called computers. Computers were usually graduate students or women with degrees who did the actual calculations, the arithmetic so that the male scientists could get on with doing the real science! And if that sounds sexist, well it was!

It was Harvard researcher Henrietta Leavitt who worked out the relationship between the period of a Cepheid Star and its absolute brightness. (Credit:

In fact at the Harvard Observatory it was the male astronomers who made the observations, took the measurements and then handed their data over to the female computers to categorize the results. So it turned out that it was the women, paid less and never allowed to do actual astronomy, who took all that data and made the big discoveries.

It was another Harvard ‘Computer’ who developed the stellar classification system that astronomers still use today. (Credit:

What Henrietta Leavitt did was take observations of the Small Magellanic Cloud where she managed to find sixteen Cepheids. Since the sixteen stars were all in the same cloud, and therefore at approximately the same distance, Miss Leavitt reasoned that any Cepheid that looked brighter really was brighter. With the data from those sixteen variables Henrietta was able to work out the equation that connected a Cepheid’s period to its absolute brightness. For example it was found that a Cepheid with a period of one day was about 200 times brighter than our Sun but a Cepheid with a period of fifty days was more than 10,000 times brighter than our Sun.

The small Magellanic cloud is a satellite galaxy to our own Milky Way. It was among these millions of stars that Heneretta Leavitt found several dozen Cepheids and by assuming they were all at approximately the same distance, discovered her law of period to absolute brightness. (Credit: Center for Astrophysics and Supercomputing.)

By using Cepheids astronomers could not only find the distances to objects inside our Milky Way galaxy but distances to other galaxies as well. It was by finding a Cepheid in Andromeda that Carl Hubble was able to show that the ‘nebula’ as it was then called, was a galaxy in its own right, far outside of our Milky Way.

The photograph that exploded our view of the Universe. On the sixth of October in 1923 Carl Hubble took this image of Andromeda, then thought to be a nebula within the Milky Way, and found a Cepheid variable, see ‘VAR!’ at the top right. Thanks to Miss Leavitt he could calculate the distance to that star and it was way outside the Milky Way. Andromeda, and many other nebula were in fact galaxies in their own right! (Credit: Nick Nielsen)

With Cepheid variables being such important tools for astronomers you can imagine that astronomers are working even now to refine Miss Leavitt’s period-Luminosity law and make it more accurate. For example variations in the stars brightness can also be caused by other factors, such as if the Cepheid has a companion star, many do, and the two stars are dancing around each other so that the Cepheid is sometimes closer, sometimes further away!

In trying to make Henrietta Leavitt’s law more precise and accurate astronomers ran into the problem that many Cepheid’s are part of binary star system complicating measurements of their brightness. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

In order to study such complications a recent study has been carried out at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne in Switzerland. The astronomers used their instruments to not only measure the brightness of the Cepheids they studied but also the velocity of the star either towards or away from the Earth. Because of this the program has been christened the VELOcities of CEphieds or VELOCE program. The results of the VELOCE study have been published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.

Some of the data collected by the VELOCE Program in their efforts to better understand the behavior of Cepheid variables. (Credit: ArXiv)

In order to obtain the most precise measurements the VELOCE researchers employed two high resolution spectrographs that separated the wavelengths of the light from each star they studied. By using the Doppler effect, see my post of 5 August 2023, the astronomers were able to precisely measure the stars motion relative to Earth and thereby make adjustments to the star’s actual brightness.

The most difficult thing to do in astronomy is to measure the distance to celestial objects. Astronomers use several different techniques that they have christened ‘The Distance Ladder’. Cepheid variables are an important rung on that ladder. (Credit: UNC Physics)

By improving our measurements of the Cepheid variables the work of the VELOCE group will allow astronomers to make better measurements of the distances to objects throughout the Universe giving us a better, more accurate picture of the Universe in which we live.