I think I ought to start this post with a little honest disclosure about my own smoking history. I smoked old-fashioned cigarettes for almost 30 years and managed to finally quit about 15 years ago. My doctor tells me that I appear to have no ill effects because of all my years of smoking so I count myself as being very lucky. And like many ex-smokers I now support any and all efforts to get people off tobacco and in particular to keep young people from ever getting hooked in the first place.

In contrast, about ten years ago the tobacco industry invented a new way for people to smoke, e-cigarettes or vaping as its also known. In essence what an e-cigarette does is boil a small amount of solution from an inserted container known as a ‘pod’. In addition to water these pods contain the chemical nicotine along with a variety of flavourings that the consumer can choose. The smoker then inhales the aerosol generated and the nicotine passes through the lungs into the blood stream just as it does when a person smokes an ordinary cigarette. You’ll recall that nicotine is the reason people smoke in the first place both because the chemical is a stimulant but more so because it’s highly addictive.

The rational that the inventers and manufacturers of e-cigarettes gave for marketing their product is that since there’s no actual smoke involved there’s none of the carcinogens that cause lung cancer. This is assumed to make e-cigarettes safer than ordinary cigarettes. Safer perhaps but certainly not safe since it’s the nicotine that leads to heart disease among smokers and more smokers actually die of heart disease than lung cancer.

Still, that logic allowed e-cigarettes to be advertised as safer than cigarettes. At the same time the completely unfounded claim was also promoted that heavy smokers could use e-cigarettes as a pathway to quitting. Together these untested assertions were employed by the manufacturers of e-cigarettes to make their product seem almost like a treatment for smoking rather than just another way of injecting poisons into yourself.
None of those claims were backed up by any data whatsoever. No long-term studies of the health risks of using e-cigarettes have been completed so the only thing that can be said about smoking e-cigarettes is that the nicotine still makes them dangerous. In fact chemical analysis has shown that many other dangerous substances are present in the aerosol generated by e-cigarettes calling into question the claim that they are at all safer than ordinary cigarettes.

For a time the number of people using e-cigarettes was small and consisted almost exclusively of established smokers looking for a safer alternative. But in their efforts to increase sales the e-cigarette manufacturers started extensive advertising campaigns touting how ‘safe’ e-cigarettes were. Then the manufacturers began selling fruit flavoured and even candy flavoured vaping pods that are effectively more attractive to teenagers and even children than to the adults who are legally allowed to purchase the product.

Of course the vaping industry categorically denies that they are deliberately advertising to children. However it is an established fact that several overzealous e-cigarette salesmen have actually gone into high schools and promoted their product to students as being safe!! Not safer than real cigarettes mind you, just plain safe…a complete misrepresentation of available facts.

The end result of all that sophisticated media hype was that, after years of declining numbers in people who smoked we now have millions of people who have become hooked on e-cigarettes, especially teenagers. Nearly 11 million adult Americans and two million teenagers are current e-cigarette users. That’s a big market and it means that there’s a lot of money to be made from e-cigarettes, $11.8 Billion in 2018 and the estimated market for 2024 is $16.5 Billion.
And it’s the same old companies making that money; the most popular brand of e-cigarettes, JUUL is 35% owned by Phillip Morris while second place Vuse is a subsidiary of R. J. Reynolds. Both are tobacco companies that for decades continued to deny the overwhelming medical evidence linking their products to millions of deaths. Now these same companies are making the same old arguments to defend their new products.

Recently the problem of e-cigarettes has taken an even more dangerous turn. Just this year more than 500 people who smoke e-cigarettes have been diagnosed with severe lung problems while seven people have died. At the moment doctors have no idea why e-cigarettes have suddenly turned so deadly. Remember e-cigarettes have been around for 10 years so why have all these people just gotten sick this year! The working hypothesis is that some people have been injecting THC, the chemical from marijuana into their pods and that it is the THC that is causing all the injuries. However there is some evidence to indicate that THC cannot be the sole cause of all the recent cases.

The plain fact is that e-cigarettes are unhealthy, maybe they are a little less unhealthy than real cigarettes but nevertheless they are unhealthy. Such a dangerous product should never have been allowed to be openly sold before extensive studies had been conducted to better quantify just how unhealthy they were.

The tobacco companies behind e-cigarettes knew how to circumvent any sort of government oversight however and so now a whole new generation is getting hooked on the same old poison I got hooked on back in high school. I was lucky and quit before cigarettes killed me. I wonder how many of the users of e-cigarettes won’t be so lucky!
Post Script: Only a week has gone by and the epidemic of lung injuries associated with vaping has more than doubled in size. More than 800 people have been diagnosed and 14 have died! Although a link to THC in vaping pods seems likely Doctors are still at a loss as to exactly what is going on. All that they can do at the moment is to advise everyone “DON”T VAPE”!!!!