Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs) are they the technology we need to feed our Growing Population? Or are they a Frankenstein Monster waiting to strike? Two stories that Illustrate the Promise and the Peril.

You hear about Genetically Modified Organisms every now and then on the news. Usually referred to as GMOs they are generating a great deal of excitement among biochemists and the food industry while causing just as much fear in some parts of the general population.

In a sense we have been modifying living creatures for 10,000 years. Starting with wolves we selectively bred them to enhance the characteristics we desired until we got man’s best friend the dog. Using the same techniques human beings have selectively bred hundreds of species of plant and animal to give us pretty much all of the food we, and our selectively bred pets, eat!

Selective breeding is genetic modification from the outside however. It’s only over the last 30-40 years that biochemists have been able to go straight to a living creature’s DNA and directly modify it. And it’s only in the past five years that scientists have possessed the precise and efficient gene-modifying tool known as CRISPR. (See my Posts of 5Aug17, 1Sept18 and 1Dec18 to learn more about CRISPR and how this gene-editing tool works).

How CRISPR Works (Credit: Genetic Literacy Project)

Using CRISPR biochemists hope to modify the plants and animals we eat in order to make them to grow larger more quickly, while requiring less fertilizer or feed. This would of course make food both cheaper and more abundant and in a world where more than 10% of the population goes to bed hungry that has to be a good thing.

One study could be a real game changer in the effort to produce more nourishing food. Researchers at the University of Illinois have been able to genetically modify the biochemical factories of plants in order to dramatically increase the efficiency of photosynthesis itself.

Production of Glucose by Photosynthesis (Credit:

You’ll recall that photosynthesis is the chemical process by which plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into sugars. In fact photosynthesis is the basic chemical reaction by which all of the world’s food is produced! Photosynthesis is rather inefficient however; it is chemically unable to distinguish between a carbon dioxide and oxygen molecules. According to plant biologist Donald Ort, the study’s senior author, “This is essentially anti-photosynthesis, and the plant produces a toxic compound that it has to recycle and detoxify.”

The researchers modified the DNA of Tobacco plants to simplify and speed up that detoxifying process resulting in plants that grew larger much more quickly, see image below. Dr. Ort and his team choose tobacco plants as a test subject because tobacco grows quickly and possesses genes that are easy to manipulate. The results are certainly impressive with tobacco plants that are 40% larger than ordinary plants.

Increased Growth of Tobacco Plants Achieved by Gene Editing (Credit: Clair Benjamin)

Having demonstrated the advantages of their approach the biochemists are now applying their technique to more useful plants like potatoes and soybeans. If this enhanced photosynthesis can be applied to other vegetable crops the resulting increase in food production could go a long way to helping feed the hungry nations of the world.

Some scientists are using gene editing to be a little more creative. One group wants to develop a spicy, peppery tomato. Now it turns out that tomatoes and peppers are pretty closely related, having split apart only about 20 million years ago. This means that the genes to produce Capsaicin, the chemical that makes peppers spicy, are still there inside a tomato’s DNA but according to co-author Agustin Zsögön they “are just not active.” Dr. Zsögön hopes to reactivate those genes allowing the humble tomato the ability to be as hot as any chilli pepper.

Can Gene Editing Produce a Spicy Tomato (Credit: Healthy Eating)

So why would scientists be so keen on developing a spicy tomato. Well the chemical capsaicin does more than just make your food taste spicy. Research has shown that capsaicin compounds are high in antioxidants; help the body fight cancerous tumors while aiding in both weight and pain management.

Right now the challenge is in determining which genes within the tomato to either turn back on, or turn off in order to get tomatoes to start producing capsaicin. Still, in a few years you may not need that habanero pepper in order to put some heat in your recipe for enchilada sauce!

Whether we use gene editing to greatly increase food production or just put a little more spice in our meals there are going to be people who are concerned about what other, unintentional chemicals we may be putting in what we eat. The workings of DNA, and the processes by which it controls the growth of cells are still largely unknown. The fear is that by modifying the genes of organisms to make them produce more food, we may also cause them to produce poisons or other deadly chemicals.

The scientists working on gene editing techniques are aware of this problem. As Dr. Ort says, “…any enhanced crops would undergo rigorous testing before they are ever consumed by humans.” Scientists like Dr. Ort may be determined to go slowly and test completely but what about large food corporations who are determined to both keep costs down and get their new products on the market before their competitors do. And not all the scientists are as trustworthy as Dr. Ort. Remember Chinese scientist He Jiankui who just two months ago revealed that he had used CRISPR on human embryos!

Dr. He defends his Research at the Genome Summit (Credit: BBC)

Like every advance in science gene editing can either benefit the world or harm it. It’s up to us, all of us to decide which it will be.

Unusual Form of Chlorophyll found to produce Photosynthesis using Infrared Light.

We all know the basic facts about photosynthesis, or at least we all think we do. Plants use the chemical chlorophyll to absorb sunlight and use its energy to turn carbon dioxide and water into sugar. This chemical process is called photosynthesis and is the main source of food for all life on Earth. At the same time photosynthesis also produces oxygen as a by-product. So for us animals photosynthesis provides both the food we eat as well as the oxygen we breath. Oh, and chlorophyll is also the reason plants are green. See image below of plant cells, the green blobs are called chloroplasts where the chlorophyll is concentrated.

Chlorophyll in Plant Cells (Credit: Wikipedia)

As you might guess, chlorophyll is a rather complicated chemical and not surprisingly there are several variant forms of the chemical. Looking at the chemical diagram below for chlorophyll-a the most common form, the roundish structure on the right hand side is called the chlorin magnesium ligand, which is shared by all forms of the chemical.

Chemical Diagram of Chlorophyll (Credit: Wikipedia)

Biochemists have identified six other slight, yet still distinct variant form of chlorophyll. These are labeled chlorophyll-b through -f with two different c’s, -c1 and -c2. Each of these variant chlorophylls absorbs different wavelengths of visible light more or less efficiently than the others with Chlorophyll-a generally being the most efficient, which is why it is by far the most common type. The image below shows the absorption efficiency versus wavelength for chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b.

Absorption Comparison of Chlorophyll-a vs. Chlorophyll-b (Credit: Wikipedia)

Of course there are wavelengths of light that are outside the visible spectrum. Infrared light is one of these and researchers have now discovered that chlorophyll-f is particularly good at using the energy of infrared light in what is being called ‘a new kind of photosynthesis’. In fact, under low light conditions photosynthesis using chlorophyll-f becomes dominant in certain species of cyanobacteria and blur-green algae.

These bacteria and algae are examples of life in extreme conditions, many live deep underwater in the boiling hot volcanic springs of Yellowstone or similar hostile environments. The ability to get energy from light that other ‘more advanced’ living things can’t use gives these single celled creatures the advantage they need to survive.

Life forms that can life in such extreme conditions are of great interest to space scientists who want to understand what life on other worlds, with very different environments, might be like. In fact Mars, further from the Sun with lower levels of light, might be the perfect environment for bacteria using the chlorophyll-f style of photosynthesis.

Some scientists have gone even further and are already suggesting that such bacteria be taken from Earth to Mars in order to start producing oxygen that one day people might breath. Importing and spreading such low light using, oxygen producing bacteria across the planet would be one of the first steps in Terraforming Mars for human habitation.

I’m certain that there’s still a great deal more to be learned about chlorophyll and the process of photosynthesis just as I’m certain scientists will keep studying it. And maybe someday soon we will find life on Mars or Europa or elsewhere and we will get the chance to learn how true aliens produce their food.